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To manage a client's settings, click the Client settings button in the Tools area and adjust settings following the explanations below.


  • Enabled client actions auditing:  DNS Manager offers auditing feature that tracks and records all the DNS Zones changes for the current account. To initialize recording, simply select the Enable client actions auditing check box. All the records are detailed and can be visualized in the Audit Logs page.

Zone SOA settings

  • Remove zones no longer present in update source: When enabled, the DNS Zones updated via a remote update location will be deleted if the file that was retrieved from the remote location no longer contains the definition for the respective zones. This setting helps you keep the DNS Manager server perfectly synchronized with the remote update locations.
  • Lock zones to an update source: When enabled, a zone will be associated with a single update remote location (the first update location where the zone description is retrieved from). Any other update location that contains a duplicate description will be ignored.
  • Warn if an update from a location fails more than X times: Enter the number of subsequent failed updates that DNS Manager will attempt before displaying a warning. This parameter is optional. You can enter a numeric value between 1 and 100.
  • Refresh time: 32 bit time value in seconds. This is the amount of time the secondary name server should wait before checking with the primary server to see whether the data has been modified. Default value: 10800 seconds.

RFC 1912 recommends 1200 to 43200 seconds if your data is volatile. If not, the recommended values is 43200 seconds (12 hours).

  • Retry time: Signed 32 bit value in seconds. When a secondary name server requests a Zone refresh from the primary server and this fails to respond, the secondary name server waits for the refresh time before attempting another Zone refresh after the failed attempt. Default value: 10800 seconds.
  • Expire time: Signed 32 bit value in seconds. This setting indicates when the Zone is no longer authoritative and new interrogation of the root servers is required. It applies to Slaves only. Default value: 604800 seconds.

RFC 1912 recommends 1209600 to 2419200 seconds (2–4 weeks).

  • Minimum TTL: This value is used as the default TTL for new Records created within the Zone. It is also used by other DNS servers to cache negative responses (for example when a Record does not exist).
  • Default TTL: Signed 32 bit value in seconds. This is the amount of time that Zone Records are kept in a remote host cache. It is recommended that this value be set large. A small value will force remote servers to query the DNS server again for unchanged data. Default value: 604800 seconds.


  • Allow to add/remove remote update locations: When enabled, the client can add new remote update locations.
  • Allow to modify remote update locations: When enabled, the client can edit current remote update locations.
  • Allow to add/remove DNS templates: When enabled, the client can add new DNS templates to the system and delete personal templates.
  • Allow round robin management: When enabled, the DNS Round Robin button becomes visible in the client's Tools area when editing a forward DNS zone, whether the user is logged in with admin or client credentials.

For managing forward DNS zones 

This area gathers management permissions for forward DNS zones. Here are the options available:

  • Manage forward DNS zones and records: When enabled, the client can add and remove forward DNS zones and records.
  • Manage forward DNS records only: When enabled, the client can add and remove ONLY forward DNS records.
  • View forward DNS zones and records: When enabled, the client can view ONLY forward DNS zones and records.

For managing reverse DNS zones

This area gathers management permissions for reverse DNS zones. Here are the options available:

  • Manage reverse DNS zones and records: When enabled, the client can add and remove reverse DNS zones AND records.
  • Manage reverse DNS records only: When enabled, the client can add and remove ONLY reverse DNS records.
  • View reverse DNS zones and records: When enabled, the client can ONLY view reverse DNS zones and records.
  • Forbid access to reverse DNS zones: When enabled, the client has no access to reverse DNS zones.

For managing E.164 DNS zones

This area gathers management permissions for E.164 DNS zones. Here are the options available:

  • Manage E.164 DNS zones and records: When enabled, the client can add and remove E.164 DNS zones AND records.
  • Manage E.164 DNS records only: When enabled, the client can add and remove ONLY E.164 DNS records.
  • View E.164 zones and records: When enabled, the client can ONLY view E.164 DNS zones and records.
  • Forbid access to E.164 DNS zones: When enabled, the client has no access to E.164 DNS zones.

These permission levels describe the DNS Manager behavior when using zones added in the interface or from remote update locations.

By pressing the Update Now button, the changes made in permissions become available only for updateurl.


  • Maximum number of DNS Zones: This is the maximum number of DNS Zones that the client can add to the system.
  • Maximum number of remote update locations: This is the maximum number of remote update locations the client is allowed to add to the system.
  • Account expiration date: The date the client's account expired and interface access is removed. 

If you do not want to limit a parameter, select the Unlimited checkbox.

The values currently used are displayed next to these limits. You cannot define limits below the currently used values.

When you have finished setting up your preferences, click OK to save your settings and return to the previous page.

Click Cancel to return to the previous page without applying your changes.

If you would like to revert your settings to their default values, click the Default SOA button.

Group operations on client accounts

You can change the DNS zone settings, permissions, and limits for two or several client accounts at the same time.

To change settings for several client accounts at the same time, select the client accounts in question and click the Group operations link above the table. The Client group operations page will open, where you can change the related DNS zones settings, permissions and settings.

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