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The login preferences provide flexibility and protection against the common forms of login break-in techniques. You can configure a series of login preferences that apply to all system users.

Click the Login preferences button available in the Server Settings page and configure the following settings that will be applied to all system users.

Login preferences

This section includes login related settings that allow you to configure the login session policy:

  • Login expiration time: Set after how many minutes a logged-in user is automatically logged out due to the lack of activity. Once this interval expires, the user will have to re-login to be able to use the interface. The default value is 7200 seconds.
  • Number of invalid attempts: Set a limit to the number of consecutive failed login attempts. The default value is 3 attempts.

    If a user enters a wrong login/password combination for a number higher than the maximum number of invalid attempts, he/she will no longer be able to access the interface for the time interval set in the Interval to block access after field.

  • Attempts interval: When a user fails to log in (due to incorrect username and/ or password), the system starts counting the failed attempts. However, after a failed login attempt, if the user waits for {attempts interval} seconds before trying again, the failed attempts counter will be reset. This allows the user to try to log in without the risk of exceeding the Number of invalid attempts. The default value is 600 seconds.
  • Interval to block access after: Set the time interval a user will be unable to log in after the Number of invalid attempts has been exceeded. The default value is 600 seconds.
  • Expire time for new password: When a user forgets his password, DNS Manager can assign a random password and send it to the user. Use this field to set for how many minutes the password will be valid after generation. The default value is 3600 seconds.

Google reCAPTCHA

Google reCAPTCHA is a free service that DNS Manager use to prevent spam and other types of automated abuse.

To enable this service, you need to sign up with Google reCAPTCHA for an API key pair. If you don't know how to do that, follow the steps in this tutorial. The key pair consists in a site key and a secret key. The site key is used to invoke reCaptcha service on your web application. The secret key authorizes communication between your application backend and the reCAPTCHA server to verify the user's response. 

Paste the credentials received from Google reCAPTCHA in the fields below.

  • Site key
  • Secret 

Please note that leaving these fields empty will not enable the Google reCAPTCHA service on DNS Manager.

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