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You can customize the server-wide interface in terms of skin, display, language and more.

To set the interface according your preferences, click the Settings option in the left navigation panel. Then go to the DNS Manager section and click on Interface settings

Here are the options that you can customize:

  • Default system-wide rows in list tables: Set the number of items. It can be any number between 1 and 9999. The default value is 50.
  • Default expanded alerts: The default number of alerts that will be displayed in the user's context. Default value: 2. Accepted value: 1 to 10.
  • Default system-wide interface skin: From drop-down list, select the interface skin that will be displayed by default in all user interfaces.
  • Default system-wide language: From drop-down list, select the language that will be used by default in all user interfaces. The list contains the language packs installed in the system. The client account users will also see an English interface, if the version of their interface language is lower than the current version of the product. You can fix this problem by installing a language pack corresponding to the current version of the DNS Manager.

DNS Manager does not allow you to use language packs that were created for earlier versions of the interface. The following warning message is displayed:

Outdated versions of the following language packs are installed:
{Language1} ({version}), {Language2} ({version})

DNS Manager {current version} is installed. Until you install the correct versions of the above language packs, the interface will be displayed in English, regardless of the user language preference.

  • Default application browser title:  Fill in the name that will be displayed in the DNS Manager interface browser title bar.
  • Show build number in application title: Select this option if you want to display the DNS Manager build number in the browser's title bar.
  • Rows in table: Set the number of rows that will be displayed in your interface.
  • Interface skin: From this drop-down list, select the skin used by the logged-in user interface.
  • System language: From the drop-down list, select the language used by the logged-in user interface.
  • Program logo: Choose the logo that will be displayed at the top of the user interface. Fill in the text box with the location of the file on your computer or use the Browse button to locate the file. 
  • Logo URL: The logo file has a hyper link on it. Use this text box to fill in the destination of this hyperlink. It can be your business website, for example.

To change the interface settings for the current user click the My interface link. DNS Manager allows you to customize the following options:

  • Rows in table
  • Interface skin
  • System language
  • Program logo
  • Logo URL
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