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Before going through the entire document, please have a look at the most frequently asked questions posted by DNS Manager users on our forum; we have grouped their questions in this section and came up with an answer to all of them. Therefore, the solution to your problem might already be here!

How to use EditDNSRecord?
/* Disable cache */
ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

/* Connection data */
$ip = 'CHANGEME'; // ip or hostname of the server, without port
$auth->username = 'CHANGEME'; //username and password
$auth->password = 'CHANGEME';

/*the id of the client who will own the zone */
$client_id = 'CHANGEME'; 

/* set SSL context options */
$streamContext = stream_context_create(array(
    'ssl' => array(
        'verify_peer' => false,
        'verify_peer_name' => false,
        'allow_self_signed' => true

/* Create SOAP client based on WSDL, with trace for debugging */

$client = new SoapClient("https://".$ip."/soap/schema/1.5/dnsmanagerservice.wsdl", array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1, 'stream_context' => $streamContext));
$authvalues = new SoapVar($auth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "");
$header = new SoapHeader('', 'userCredentials', $authvalues, false);

/* Add dns zone*/
$zone = new stdClass();
$zone->name = 'myzone.test';
$zone->clientId = $client_id;
$zone->type = 'master'; 
$result = $client ->AddDNSZone($zone);

echo "\n\n======AddDNSZone=======\n";
echo "\n<pre> REQUEST AddDNSZone :\n</pre>";
echo preg_replace(array("/></i", "/</i", "/>/i", "/\n/i"), array("&gt;\n&lt;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "<br />"), $client->__getLastRequest() );
echo "\n<pre> RESPONSE AddDNSZone :\n</pre>";
echo preg_replace(array("/></i", "/</i", "/>/i", "/\n/i"), array("&gt;\n&lt;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "<br />"), $client->__getLastResponse() );

/*Add dns record - NS*/
$add_dns_record->DNSZoneName ='myzone.test.';
$add_dns_record->status = 'enabled';
$add_dns_record->type = 'NS';
$add_dns_record->value = 'ns1.mynszone.test.';
$result = $client->AddDNSRecord($add_dns_record);   

/*Add dns record - A*/
$add_dns_record->DNSZoneName ='myzone.test.';
$add_dns_record->status = 'enabled';
$add_dns_record->type = 'A';
$add_dns_record->host = 'www'; //or FQDN: 'www.myzone.test.'
$add_dns_record->value = '';
$result = $client->AddDNSRecord($add_dns_record);   

/*display SOAP request and response for add "A" dns record */
echo "\n\n======AddDNSRecord=======\n";
echo "\n<pre> REQUEST AddDNSRecord :\n</pre>";
echo preg_replace(array("/></i", "/</i", "/>/i", "/\n/i"), array("&gt;\n&lt;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "<br />"), $client->__getLastRequest() );
echo "\n<pre> RESPONSE AddDNSRecord :\n</pre>";
echo preg_replace(array("/></i", "/</i", "/>/i", "/\n/i"), array("&gt;\n&lt;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "<br />"), $client->__getLastResponse() );

/* Parse SOAP response and get DNSRecordId of the record previously added*/
$res = $client->__getLastResponse();
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($res);

$dns_record_container = $xml->children('SOAP-ENV',true)->Body->children("ns3", true)->AddDNSRecordResponse->children("ns2", true)->DNSRecord->children("ns2", true) ; 
$dns_record = $dns_record_container->DNSRecordId;
$dns_record_id = $dns_record[0];

/* Edit dns record */
$edit_dns_record = new stdClass();
$edit_dns_record->host = 'ftp.myzone.test.';
$edit_dns_record->value = '';
$edit_dns_record->DNSRecordId = $dns_record_id;
$edit_dns_record->status = 'disabled';
$result = $client->EditDNSRecord($edit_dns_record); 

/*display SOAP request and response for edit the "A" record */
echo "\n\n======EditDNSRecord=======\n";
echo "\n<pre> REQUEST EditDNSRecord :\n</pre>";
echo preg_replace(array("/></i", "/</i", "/>/i", "/\n/i"), array("&gt;\n&lt;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "<br />"), $client->__getLastRequest() );
echo "\n<pre> RESPONSE EditDNSRecord :\n</pre>";
echo preg_replace(array("/></i", "/</i", "/>/i", "/\n/i"), array("&gt;\n&lt;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "<br />"), $client->__getLastResponse() );

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