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This page contains answers to questions that are frequently asked by 4PSA's clients.


Please visit our online store and place an order.

Please contact and we can exchange your license.

The whitebox licensing option lets you remove the vendor copyright notices from the web management interface. Ask your account manager for information on how you can do that.


VoipNow is our award-winning Unified Communications platform that provides advanced telephony, hosted PBX services, fax, presence, browser-based voice and video calling and chat with file and screen sharing, call center features. More information here .

You can test VoipNow for free for 30 days. When your evaluation period is done, you can select which licensing option suits you best. Lear more details here.

We also provide VoipNow Express, the free edition limited to 10 phone terminal extensions. This means that you will not be able to setup special extensions like queue, IVR or callback.

VoipNow Cloud OnDemand is the platform delivered as a service (Saas). It is hosted in 4PSA's Cloud in US (East and West Coast), Europe (Central or Western) and APAC (Singapore). While VoipNow requires installation on the your infrastructure of choice, Cloud OnDemand is instantly available on 4PSA's infrastructure.

To make calls you need at least a SIP trunk and DID numbers from a provider, and then setting up a SIP channel in VoipNow's interface.

Yes. You can do that with the help of the available APIs. The documentation for developers is available here.

More info on APIs as well as code examples are available on our wiki at:

In VoipNow, there are the following licensing objects: extensions (phone and special), SIP Trunking channels, callback numbers, calling card codes. When Hubgets is enabled in VoipNow, the licensing object is the Hubgets user.

When enabled on a phone extension, it allows you to connect a PBX to that extension and set up the total number of concurrent calls that can be made through that channel. Phone extensions used for SIP trunking are free; invoicing is performed at the SIP Trunking channel level and it’s based on the SIP Trunking channel limits setup in the VoipNow management interface.

System users can call this extension from a phone connected to the public telephone network. Next, the call is routed through the VoipNow server.

VoipNow allows you to set complex prepaid or postpaid charging plans and configure fees based on your requirements. For example, you can set an initial credit available for calls (incoming or outgoing), you can set fixed prices or prices relative to your call cost and charge outgoing calls based on the selected time interval. All of this can be set from VoipNow's interface, in the System section -> Charging Plans.

You can purchase a license that can be installed on your infrastructure or in our Cloud, depending on your needs. More details are available here:

Here are the minimum system requirements for single server installation. Please note that hardware requirements are strongly related to the expected load and number of concurrent calls.

  • Intel x86 compatible PC 2.0 Ghz (64 bit highly recommended)
  • 2 GB of RAM
  • 36 GB RAID storage system in RAID fault tolerant setup
  • 100 MB/s network card

Yes. It works with an extensive number of third-party PC softphones.

Currently, we can recommend x-Lite (free), SJphone(free), Jitsi(free), Kapanga, Zoiper (free);

We have a knowledge base article on how to configure x-Lite, found here .

While VoipNow will work with just about any PC softphone and SIP client for mobile, here is a short list of the most commonly used third-party apps:

  • PC softphones: X-Lite, Bria, EyeBeam, Zoiper, Express Talk, Linphone
  • Apple iOS: Zoiper (free), Linphone (free), Bria
  • Android: Zoiper, SipDroid, CSIPSimple, Linphone (all free)

Several tutorials on how to use some of these mobile SIP clients with VoipNow are available on our blog:

If you are currently using a leased license, all you need is to upgrade your license after the server upgrade was performed. If you are using a legacy owned license or a business license, please contact before upgrading.

VoipNow Professional is an End of Life product. The announcement is available here:

You can continue to use your current license, exactly as it is. Please note that 4PSA doesn't provide neither updates, nor support for this product anymore.

VoipNow Cloud OnDemand

VoipNow Cloud OnDemand is our Unified Communications software VoipNow hosted in our Cloud and delivered as SaaS (software as a service).

Our Cloud OnDemand instances are available in the following locations: US East (Washington D.C.), US West (Seattle), Western Europe (Amsterdam), APAC (Singapore) and in Eastern Europe in 4PSA's datacenter (Bucharest).

Yes, you are asked to choose when you order a subscription or ask for an evaluation.

No. Your Cloud OnDemand instance is hosted in our Cloud. All you need to get started is an Internet connection and to set up at least one SIP account with a SIP Provider on the server.

The default price includes 100 extensions, 100 SIP Trunking channels, 100 callback numbers and 100 calling card codes.

You can add more extensions and the system will auto-scale its resources. Each new licensing object added over the 100 that are already included will be charged with a predefined amount, based on your licensing level.

Example: If you have Volume licensing (without whitebox) and there are 145 extensions deployed on the system, the invoice amount will be 159 + 2.10 * 45 = 253.5 EUR. In this example, less than 100 SIP trunking channels, callback numbers, and calling cards are configured on the system.

Our SLA guarantees 99.9% availability for your private Cloud OnDemand instance.


You can test VoipNow for free for 30 days either on your infrastructure or in our Cloud. Please make a request by filling out the form available here:

You can contact your assigned Account Manager for help. You also have support included for the entire testing period. For any technical problem related to 4PSA products, please open a ticket in our Support Zone.

We can extend the evaluation license, please discuss with your Account Manager.

If you are testing a license on your infrastructure, please order the appropriate license from our store and upload the new license key in the web interface. Also make sure to cancel your evaluation or you can request that we cancel it for you by contacting your Account Manager or

If you tested VoipNow Cloud OnDemand and you want to keep your current instance, ask your Account Manager to convert your evaluation into a paid subscription.

If you do not delete your current system for any reason, everything on the system can remain as is. You will only need to upload a new license key.


Every 4PSA subscription comes with bundled support. We also offer support for evaluation licenses. Learn more about the available packages.

This depends on what support level you have. Learn more about the available packages.

If you got the error message letting you know that the subscription code is not valid, then you are using the support subscription code instead of the expert support access code.
Find the latter by logging into your Business Zone account, scrolling down to support services and locating your Expert Support Service. There, you will find a phone access code that you can use to call us.

Please go to Use your support credentials to log in to your account, choose the proper subscription and urgency level, describe your issue and next submit the ticket.

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