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TypeDetailsSupport Zone Ticket IDJIRA Ticket ID

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VoipNow is now fully integrated with Hubgets, delivering a full communication and collaboration experience for businesses.-


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Added DataChannel, a real time messaging layer for users, apps and bots. Removed Ejabberd layer and XMPP protocol.--

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Added high priority, out of band messaging for phone call push notifications to mobile providers (iOS, Android).

-HG-8693 HG-9677

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Added Request Audit log. This allows administrators to monitor and audit changes made to system configuration in web management interface. -

VNP-60164 HG-10655

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Added call leg grouping in Call Reports. This makes it easier for end users to understand call history.AKG-998083 DFO-968375

VNP-59491 VNP-60065

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Added new option in Incoming call rules to transfer a call to the voicemail of another extension.-

VNP-57569 VNP-58497

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Added integration with Google Login. -HG-10290 HG-10696

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Added multiple service domains with support for unique username per domain.-HG-4475

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Added subscription templates - a faster and easier way to create and manage accounts. Unlike legacy templates, when a subscription is changed, all plans in the subscription are automatically updated.-VNP-58366 VNP-58375

Added support for resource auto-delete policies in subscriptions.

Added provisioning for Cisco SPA525G.-


Added provisioning for Polycom Soundpoint 321/331 firmware 4.1.-VNP-58064

Added support for calling all phone extensions of a (43*).--

Many web management interface improvements.--

Added support for HTML email templates. These are used on voicemail and fax UDF-151790VNP-58587

Improved crypto speed with AES-NI support. VoipNow will no longer run on old computing platforms.

For a list of supported CPUs, check Intel's website.

Added system firewall management.--

SIP over WebRTC is proxied through HTTP server. Can be also used with cloud proxy providers like Cloudflare.--

Improved device provisioning so that an extension can be assigned to multiple devices.PYY-763787VNP-58027

Added queue supervisor capability to monitor outgoing calls (outbound call center).--

Added callerIdDestination parameter to UnifiedAPI phoneCalls service. This ID is displayed on the destination phone.


Added new columns to Call Reports: Full name, Last Name, First Name, Company Name.--

Added new filters in Call Reports: Queue supervising and Call supervising.

Added HTTP server name configurable in local.conf.--

Upgraded PHP to version 7 branch. Major performance gains.--

Added a new internal messaging layer - Hammer. Removed Celery as it's used for task distribution too.-VNP-59981 HG-7237 HG-11390 HG-13564
HG-13565 HG-13684

Added automated index upgrade for Elasticsearch.--

Simplified storage management by unifying user storage options. Former settings for voicemail messages, call recordings, sound files, music on hold, fax files are now consolidated into a single setting - Maximum Storage.


OpenID is obsolete. Support was removed.--

Improved the speed of call reports on servers with large databases.-


Internal PBX SIP nodes communication was changed from UDP to TCP, which makes it more reliable.MBF-806335VNP-60042

Added warnings and improved Hubring distributed database behavior in case of low memory.GSR-171319 QPH-831267VNP-59159

Improved SIP server call distribution.-VNP-57664

Added new language packs: English (Australian), English (Great Britain) and Swedish.-


Logo upload now supports BMP image file format.


Fixed Unpark issue for calls that passed through the Cascade rule.



Channel name limit has been increased to 64 characters.-


GetOrganizations SystemAPI method returns Company Name.DXH-402582 PDP-845158

VNP-57855 VNP-59840

Improved interface description for Caller Behavior on Queue exit.



Improved field descriptions in Organization Templates.-


Improved descriptions in License Management area.-


Improved the speed of regular expressions.-HG-9408 HG-10016

Improved resource removal. Now it's offloaded to workers.-HG-10818

Added option to configure 000 as a forbidden extensionUCJ-610100


Improved SELinux management, rules and policies.-VNP-59332 VNP-59456

Improved charging system for calls in progress during month change.-VNP-59412

Upgraded Node.js to version 6.11.4.--

Upgraded MySQL backup script XtraBackup to version 2.3.3.-VNP-56961

Added system for upgrading MySQL time zone information.-VNP-58791

Several web management interface improvements on pop-up panels.



Multiple installer improvements.



Multiple SIP Server configuration improvements.-VNP-57820 VNP-59068

Company directory can now be set independently of voicemail.



Increased default PHP memory limits.SCA-612574VNP-57656

Updated queue extension recording format to MP3.IIZ-675149VNP-57246

Multiple fixes and improvements in webRTC support. Compatibility with Microsoft Edge browser.-VNP-57207 VNP-58612 VNP-56679 VNP-58344

Added confirmation message on successful account edit operation.-VNP-56944

DND message is now played when there is only one active peer in the ICR number list and the peer has DND active. JWO-190117VNP-57856

Email notifications for charging limits are now sent only for enabled accounts.


Improved messages in charging email notifications for limit warning/exceeded.KTK-508051VNP-57502

Notifications for account creation are now sent on Organization level as well.IHP-805630VNP-57225

Dashes ("-") are now allowed in names of phone provisioning files.


Music on hold is no longer played on cascaded calls.

QXX-193606 UBZ-496750


Improved PHP scalability on machines with many cores and lots of workers.CCX-271746VNP-56932

Improved performance on SIP Server handling MWI forced subscriptions.PEO-151541VNP-56638

Updated GeoIP library.-VNP-60409

UnifiedAPI requests are now routed through Hammer advanced message distribution. Removed RabbitMQ.

-HG-13851 HG-14527

Added database upgrade script to be run prior to upgrade.-HG-12524

Improved user device storage for faster lookup.-HG-12442 HG-12443

Improved accounts table search.-VNP-60414

Display company name instead of first/last name in several areas:

  • Accounts tables and navigation breadcrumbs
  • Public Phone management area.



Added Call Supervising to call history.-VNP-60127

Removed useless fields "Device" and "Assigned public phone number(s)" listed in the "Extension Overview" section for extensions that are not Phone Terminal-VNP-56931

Downloaded files for faxes, voicemail, recording are named <extension_number><id_of resource><date>.<file_extension>-HG-11843

Improved data distribution for distributed database. If you have an infrastructure with several distributed database nodes you need to run a data re-partitioning script.-HG-14856

Fixed the target for a transferred call from IVR to trunk.JQZ-763694


Fixed CallerID when trunk calls local DID.LZA-472965VNP-58023

Fixed assign phone number to dynamic remote agent with API.MCL-438223


Fixed voicemail exit to operator on key press after recording is started.GJQ-641018


Fixed sending organization creation notifications.IHP-805630VNP-57225

Fixed 'from' field content on queue extension recording list.SMC-179646


Removed the reason for CANCEL if caller abandoned the call.OJF-314486 HNB-223294


Fixed generating provisioning file via SystemAPI.TXU-229709


Fixed NASXI rules to be able to edit Automation email templates. UWL-291163


Fixed the public CallerID setting for extended local calls.RDV-853674VNP-59743

Fixed custom sound issue that occurred when disabling/enabling the DND feature.



Display warning message only when changes are made for IVR extension.BAR-772287


Fixed CallerID set for a transferred call to a public destination using REFER.-


Fixed "Scheduled for sending" state for faxes sent from web interface.UPV-847120

VNP-58408 VNP-59902

Fixed header sent in BYE requests for SIP trunking extensions.



Older voicemail greetings are now removed when new ones are recorded over the phone.VSJ-906231


Fixed CallID sent in NOTIFY request for BLF. AFU-805017


Fixed several areas displaying only the "Last name" of the account owner.

REO-774399 UII-850228 CCA-498169 MSL-182581 VDV-195993 CYQ-414378

VNP-56694 VNP-57208 VNP-57914 VNP-60023

Fixed "Anonymous CallerID" in initialization step for UnifiedAPI SimpleCall.SDP-269616


Fixed "To" column in Call Reports area on User and Organization level.WSY-823242 BTV-396141 XBJ-972787 BXY-304340

VNP-57617 VNP-59259 VNP-59993

Fixed S3 region guess algorithm to provide support for unknown regions.-


Removed duplicate Message-ID header in notification emails.-


Fixed CAPTCHA code generation on CallNow page.QRA-883814


Fixed exit to queue operator while playing welcome sound.-


Run only the necessary updates for qmember_logout and qmember_unpause operations and fix transition from 'loggedoff' status to unpause operation.WCV-618776 OEX-727607

VNP-59860 VNP-60154

Changed label name on Forbidden Extensions page.-


Fixed the API trigger for extension creation email notification when Edit Extension.JUX-755580


Fixed issue with the length of infrastructure parameter in misc table.GQJ-691360VNP-60225

Fixed sending extension creation notifications to additional email address set on User level.XQO-446910


Fixed changing password for login aliases.XRG-378018


Avoided possible PBX crash caused by race in closing channels.JXW-431165


Permit REFER only if referred-by is in transfer_context.XJC-579047VNP-59672

Fixed error on UnifiedAPI agents management requests caused by SQL deadlock.AMA-870726 PSF-602963VNP-58676

Fixed PIKE L1 issues. Kamailio now replies with "603 Denied" to requests failing the PIKE checks.



Fixed possible deadlock in PBX conference app.EAT-149908VNP-58878

Fixed CallerID in call history for external outgoing calls.SGP-292741VNP-58821

Exported Call Reports now contain called DID on all account levels.SGP-292741VNP-58551

Fixed SIP trunking issues when SIP forking is used.WPN-728752VNP-58489

Fixed handling of subsequent requests when using custom ports for SIP Server.-VNP-58452

Fixed fax no longer being sent when user email address is missing.UPV-847120 VNP-58408

Fixed ICE status report inconsistency between web management interface and PBX.-VNP-58406

Fixed temporary files getting deleted when voicemail notification email compose fails.



Fixed extension codec list when codec is removed from global settings.VCW-743754VNP-58199

Fixed logged queue event when all members are busy. Event is now EXITWITHFULL.


Infrastructure management message is now displayed only to admin accounts.


Fixed browse button status when editing music on hold.-VNP-58160

Fixed SetQueueRemoteAgent not refreshing agent registration method when updating penalty.



Fixed MySQL partitioning for large SQL tables.


Fixed several issues in call statistics that prevented graphs from being displayed.



Fixed sort fields in Organization/Service Provider management page.-VNP-57781

Fixed start/end issues in account call cost report with new date formats: 'Y-m-01 00:00:00' (firstDayOfMonth) and 'Y-m-d 23:59:59' (lastDayOfMonth).OFQ-675038VNP-57714

Fixed display issue for organization management page title when disabling control panel access.


Fixed several issues in init scripts and made them LSB compliant.-VNP-57673 VNP-57990

Fixed folder exclusion mechanism in vnbackup for full backups.



Fixed "To" column in Call Reports on Organization level account, when queue calls are distributed to remote agents.WSY-823242VNP-57617

Fixed SQL in provisioning file generation when no provisioning templates are available.-VNP-57571

Fixed voicemail greeting message for busy extensions.CWS-960329VNP-57504

Fixed time-zone reset for agent events when changing number of entries in the Queue Agents page.



Fixed OAuth authorization flow when code request is made using POST.QKT-722491VNP-57407

Fixed "Last Name" issues in SystemAPI edit accounts methods.JZL-897007VNP-57341

Fixed <!PRO_PATH!> variable to contain /id/ in generated provisioning files.CAV-395662VNP-57308

Fixed SIP Server crash in a presence subscription race.AutoreportVNP-57304

Fixed retrieve for PBX role exposure in SIP Server load balancer module.-VNP-57289

Non-REGISTER requests coming from a fixed IP extension with invalid DIDs and no authentication headers are now rejected.


VNP-57250 VNP-60443

Fixed SIP Server load balancer issue that caused non-optimal balancing in multi-PBX deployments.


Fixed OS detection error in

Fixed counting of agent dump calls in all Queue Reports.

ZPC-272150 LYS-233498


Ping is now sent to all forked contacts registered on a single extension.PIW-696528 QVM-979568VNP-56888

Fixed network validation for "Allow extension SIP connection only from IP".PZR-448331VNP-56868

Fixed AssignQueueRemoteAgent to add phone number when a remote agent is assigned via API.



Fixed name-related issue in Top Telephony Users statistics.PUQ-526498VNP-56817

Fixed call statistics to include records from the past years.LBV-480849VNP-56800

Disabled SQL partitioning events on slaves to prevent issues with MySQL replication.-VNP-56790

Fixed automated account suspension (expire).JJI-828249 RHK-987732 JVA-702926VNP-56788

Fixed phone language in PBX conference app.-VNP-56738

Fixed PBX server race condition.


Fixed possible SIP server crash during shutdown procedure.



Replaced Contact header for INVITE replies towards PBX when using channels that register.-VNP-56946

Fixed SIP Server crash during a configuration reload.


Fixed possible PBX crash when manager module was reinitialized.-VNP-56627

Added transfer destination for COMPLETETRANSFER call queue event.-VNP-56977

Display domains in ser_domain regardless of FROM value.-VNP-60370

Fixed automatic removal of older faxes.ZHY-229062VNP-60410

Check MAC provision option in provisioning endpoint.ALQ-328189VNP-60540

Fixed voicemail notification to contain both names.

Removed channels prefix from external targets in Call FLowsVUV-312692VNP-59325

Fixed label in voicemail settings area.-VNP-60577

Fixed time interval based jump when cloning an IVR.XVB-154816VNP-56773

Apply rows in table setting for queue agents table.-VNP-56707

Allow parking of a call from an public target of an ICR, if the ICR has "Allow public called destinations to transfer calls" enabled.ELY-685503VNP-60566

"Currently using CallerID numbers" is grayed out when callerID name and number are on set by equipment/userYIZ-941225VNP-57081

Fixed extension ping default setting and update to ser_subscriber.-VNP-60622

Improved UnifiedAPI logging in case of errors.-VNP-60118

Fixed queue report for answered calls when the agent is present in several queues.-VNP-58528

Disable use of ice if strict_rtp_address was updated due to probation.-VNP-60571

Fixed PBX security (atack on RTP stack).-VNP-60855

Fixed update to current credit when decreasing public network limit in charging plan.LUL-961218VNP-60816

Fixed DelTimeInterval SystemAPI method for non admin tokens. ANU-427739VNP-60789

Add unit measurement for uploaded file size warning.-VNP-56994

Update crypto when a new a=crypto is received.BGU-539076VNP-60864


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