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This page contains instructions on how to set up the Transfer To rule.

Table of Contents


When the Transfer To rule is in place, VoipNow will transfer the call to another destination or to Voicemail, according to your settings. 

Rule structure

The Transfer To rule allows you to automatically transfer an incoming call to three possible destinations:

  • another extension or public number 
  • your own Voicemail
  • another extension's Voicemail

Rule structure

The Transfer To rule structure is for Phone terminal extensionsThe Transfer To rule structure is for Phone terminal extensions:


<Transfer to> <transfer_destination> <destination_number> and ring these for <ring_time> seconds

when CallerID <callerID_action> <number> and call is in time interval <time_interval>

and extension status is <extension_status> and call status was <call_status>.

Before connecting the caller to destination, <action> for his name.

Also, <permission> public called destinations to transfer calls. <call_action> extension <current_ext_no>.

Add in position <rule_position>. Can be managed from the extension with keypad code <key_value>. <Follow/Do not follow> other rules when call is not completed.

For all the other extension types, the Transfer To rule the Transfer To rule structure is simplified to:


<Transfer to> number(s) <destination_number> and ring these for <ring_time> seconds

when CallerID <callerID_action> <number> and call is in time interval <time_interval>.

Before connecting the caller to destination <action> for his name.

Also, <permission> public called destinations to transfer calls.

extension <current_ext_no>.

Add in position <rule_position>.   <Follow/Do not follow> other rules when call is not completed.


This table contains the parameters required for setting up the Transfer To rulethe Transfer To rule.


The drop-down list includes two options:

  • number(s) (the default option)
  • voicemail

Select number(s) if you want the calls to be directly transferred to the extension's another extension or to a public number; you may enter several numbers. If you want to transfer calls to your own voicemail or to the voicemail of another extension, select voicemail.

Once you select the Transfer to voicemail, a drop-down list of all the extensions with enabled Voicemail from your organization will become available. From that list, select the number of the extension you want to use for Transfer to voicemail.

To If you want to transfer calls to the extension's you own voicemail, select make sure you've selected the Enable voicemail checkbox from the in your Phone terminal setup page. 

For Phone For Phone terminal extensions only! Default value: number(s).

<destination_number>Specify the number(s) of the extension(s) you want to transfer the incoming calls to.

The destination numbers may belong to other local extensions, remote extensions or user groups. If you set the transfer to a user group ID, it means that all extensions of users in that group will ring.


Fill in the number of seconds the destination extension will ring before hanging up.
The default value is equal to the one previously set for the Unified CommunicationsZero Priority → General → Number of seconds to call option.


Choose when the Transfer to rule is performed:

  • Matches: the incoming call matches the number specified in the the <number> text box.
  • Does not match: the incoming call does not match the number specified in the the <number> text box.
  • Is anonymous: the incoming call does not have any CallerID information. The <number> text box is grayed out.
  • Is any: the Transfer the Transfer To rule will be used for all incoming calls, no matter their CallerID. The The <number> text box is grayed out.

Default value: is any.

<number>Specify an extension number or a regular expression the incoming call will be matched to.
Number matching is based on the CallerID. If the remote party does not send a CallerID, no matching can be performed. However, you can use the Is anonymous option to route anonymous calls.
Pay attention to the <number> entry. You can specify the number as a combination of the 0-9 digits and the '+', 'X', 'Z', 'N', '[', ']', '.', '*' characters. The number entry supports the Asterisk number matching.

Choose the time interval during which incoming calls must be checked.

Default value: Anytime.


Select the status of the extension receiving the incoming call:

  • Does not matter - All incoming calls targeted for the current extension will be transferred to the new destination(s), regardless of its status.
  • Registered - The incoming calls will not be transferred to the new destination(s) unless the current extension is registered.
  • Not registered - The incoming calls will not be transferred to the new destination(s) unless the current extension is not registered.

For Phone For Phone terminal extensions only! Default: does not matter.


Select the reason for which the incoming calls must be transferred to the new destination(s):

  • Does not matter: All incoming calls targeted for the current extension will be transferred to the new destination(s), regardless of their status.
  • Not answered: Only the calls that have not been answered will be transferred to the new destination(s).
  • Busy: If a call is received when the callee is involved in another conversation, this call will be transferred to the new destination.
For Phone For Phone terminal extensions only!
Default value: does not matter.

Select if you want the caller's name to be requested before connecting the call or not.

Default: Do not ask.


Allow the called public phone number(s) to further transfer the call(s) to other destinations or not.
For example, let us assume you have decided to transfer the incoming calls to 1234. If you choose Allow, then 1234 will be able to redirect the calls transferred to it to another destination.
The extension that has this option set to Allow within an Incoming Call Rule (ICR) rule is charged for any transfer the public destination performs.


Specify if you want the current extension to be called as well when an incoming call is received or not. If you select do not call, only the extension the calls are transferred to will be rung.
For Phone For Phone terminal extensions only!
Default value: Do not call.

<current_extension_number>This is the current extension's number. For Phone For Phone terminal extensions only!

Specify the position of the rule in the list.
The rule's position in the group is very important because it defines the order in which VoipNow verifies the call rules in case an incoming call is received.
Each rule is checked in turn and all rules are final (meaning that the program stops checking when the first rule is matched).

<key_value>Specify a key that can be used to enable/disable the routing rule from the phone terminal pad by dialing *74 <key_value>.
The Can be managed from the extension with keypad code <key_value> text is only displayed for Phone Terminal extensions.
<Follow/Do not follow>

Specify if you want the rule to be considered final or not:

  • Do not follow: The rule is final and, if the call is not completed, no other rules will apply.
  • Follow: This rule is not final and, if the call is not completed, other rules may apply.

Transfer calls to voicemail

If you have chosen choose to transfer the incoming calls to the extension's voicemail, the the <destination_number> and ring these for <ring_time> seconds text will be replaced with voicemail of extension <current_extension_number> to underline that the call is directly diverted to the voicemail. text will no longer be displayed.

Instead, you will be shown a drop-down list of all the extensions with enabled Voicemail from your organization. If you want to calls to be automatically transferred to your own voicemail, select your extension's number from that list. If you want to transfer calls to another extension's voicemail, select its number. 

Also, the following lines will will not be be displayed:


Before connecting the caller to destination, <action> for his name.

Also, <permission> public called destinations to transfer calls. <call_action> extension <current_ext_no>.





The Play Congestion



The Hang Up



The Cascade



The Authenticate



The Set Call Priority



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