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This option is available only for Phone terminal extensions with the multi-user aware permission enabled.  

To enable this permission, click on the Roles and Phone Numbers icon under the Tools area. In the Roles and phone numbers for <user_name> page, enable the User is multi user aware permission as shown below.

Image AddedImage Removed
Screenshot: The Permissions section from the Roles and phone numbers management page

Phone terminal keypad operations


Here are the operations available:

  • Transfer interlocutor to extension number forward_number with #1forward_number: This operation enables what is generally known as blind/cold transfer.


  • In other words, if you're already in the middle of a phone conversation, you can press #1 followed by an extension number


  • forward_


  • number.


  • This will have your incoming caller transferred to that particular extension.


  • The call can also be transferred to a number outside the VoipNow server.


  • Put


  • caller on


  • hold and


  • transfer to extension number forward_number with *2forward_number: This operation enables what is generally known as attended/warm transfer.


  •  In other words, if you're already in the middle of a phone conversation, you can press



Usage example

There are two technicians working in the support team. A call is received on the extension belonging to tech guy no. 1, who has no solution for the caller's problem, but knows that tech guy no. 2 dealt with a similar issue last week.

  • If tech guy no. 1 dials *2 followed by his colleague's extension number, the call will be put on hold and a new call will be automatically placed to his colleague's number.
  • Tech guy no. 2 answers and listens to his colleague presenting the situation, then hangs up.
  • Tech guy no. 2 will be automatically connected with the caller on hold.




Phone Terminal Setup

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