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  1. Click the Add Node icon available in the Infrastructure Operations section. The Add Node to Infrastructure pop-up window will be displayed.
  2. Fill in the required options:
    • Node ID:  This is an informative field, as the node ID is generated automatically. Each node in the infrastructure has a unique NodeID.
    • Hostname:  Enter the hostname you want here. The hostname is unique in the infrastructure (no other node should have it).
    • Private IP Adresses:  Only one IP address is necessary.
    • Public IP Adresses:  The public IP address might be necessary, based on the role you plan to run on the node.

    It is not required to add a public IP address! Keep in mind the requirements of the different roles you might want to run on the node. The distributed database requires only one private IP.


    This area is purely informative. It is not necessary for these IPs to be bound to the container that will eventually run the node. They could get there using any form of network virtualization, for example using NAT.

  3. Click Click OK to to apply your settings.

Assign a Role on Node


  1. Click on the [Assign a Role] link in the Role(s) column from the nodes list. The Assign Role pop-up window will be displayed.
  2. You are now required set up your role. You can find a detailed guide on each role's specific options in the Set Up Role Parameters section section.
  3. After you have set up the role, you can confirm your settings by clicking OK. A confirmation message containing a session key will be shown. It is recommended you write it down as you will need it later.

Please note that the Distributed Database role cannot be assigned if there are more than 3 extensions on the server.

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