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This page describes the web management interface facilities for Apps management.
Table of Contents




To access the App management pages you must follow the steps below. From an Administrator account, you must go Management page, go to Unified Communications -> Integrations -> SystemAPI & UnifiedAPI. Using a Service Provider, Organization, User account, go to the homepage of the user and click the SystemAPI & UnifiedAPI button. Then choose the type of API which the App will use:

  • For Apps that use SystemAPI, select the SystemAPI tab
  • For Apps that use UnifiedAPI, choose the UnifiedAPI tab





The following options are available in the page that opens:


All apps are listed in a table with the following details:

  • S: The status of the App


  • . Click the Image Added icon to suspend the authorized App


  • .


  • A disabled App is not able to make any more requests to the system.


  •  To reactivate the authorized App


  • , click


  • the same icon.
  • App


  • : The name of the third-party App. Click the link if you want to modify its parameters. For more details, check out the Register App section.


  •  You can click the icon


  • Image Added which opens the App's homepage in a new window.
  • Description


  • Details of the third-party App. If it is too long, a hint with the complete text will be displayed on mouse-over.
  • Access Tokens


  • The number of access_tokens currently associated with the App and the current user.


  • When at least one token exists, if you click the link, a pop-up window is displayed, allowing you to visualize its details or to remove it.
  • Configured


  • The date the App was configured.

De-authorize app

There are multiple methods that you can use to revoke the authorization granted to an App, but each has its own consequences as detailed below:


The token details that are listed are described in the following table:



  • Expires: 


  • Date and time the token expires.
  • User Agent


  • User agent that was used to generate the access token.

You can remove any access_token by selecting the corresponding checkbox and clicking the Remove Selected button. You can remove all access tokens available for an App at a given moment in time by selecting the checkbox placed in the header of the table and then clicking the Remove Selected button.

An App cannot use the removed access tokens to make new requests. Removing the access token does not however forbid the App from requesting a new access token. This method is useful when the access token was compromised.


To remove an App, you must navigate to the App management page corresponding to your account type. Using the table displayed, you can remove any App by selecting the corresponding checkbox and clicking the Remove Selected button.

Once the App has been removed, it cannot generate new new access_tokens  or or make any other requests.

Enable/Disable app


Once the App has been disabled, it cannot generate new new access_tokens, use old old access_tokens  or or make any other requests, until it is enabled. If they did not expire, old old access_tokens  still still work, even after the App has been enabled.

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