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This page contains instructions on how to send faxes from a Phone terminal extension.

Table of Contents


To send and manage faxes from your extension, access the the Send Fax icon icon from your extension's context page.


  • email messages, by attaching the fax content as a .pdf,   .jpg,   .txt or txt or .tiff file tif file to an email message, which is sent to a special faxing email address on the server. For more information, read read this knowledge base article.
  • the VoipNow interface, by uploading a fax message as a .pdf,   .jpg,   .txt or txt or .tiff file tif file using the controls available in the the Sent Fax Messages of Extension <extension_name> page page, available for all the Phone terminal extensions that were configured to manage fax files. 

If you're using the email2fax feature, it is not mandatory to use attachments. You can insert the fax message in the email body. Or, if you want to use attachments, you may leave the email body empty.

The The Sent Fax Messages from Extension <extension_name> management management page allows you to:

  • view the already already Sent Faxes or or those that are in process of being sent
  • upload and send a new fax message using the controls available in the the Upload Fax Files section section
  • search for certain sent fax messages


  1. Customize the fields below in the Upload Fax Files section:
    • Send fax to recipients  <number> Phone numbers (separated by commas):  Specify the phone numbers you want to send the fax to. You cannot list more phone numbers than the Maximum number of fax recipients set from the  Unified Communications  → Settings → Settings   Zero Priority  → Fax  preferencespreferences.
    • Fax file:  Use the the Browse  button button to locate the file(s) you want send. You cannot add more files than the Maximum number of files per composed fax set from the Unified Communications → Unified Communications → Settings → Zero Priority → Fax preferences. Only the Unified Communications → Unified Communications → Settings → Zero Priority → Fax preferences. Only .pdf, .jpg, .txt and .tiff file tif file types are supported.  Use the Use the +/- buttons buttons to add several files to the fax message.
    • Send later:  When selected, the fax message will be saved under the status status Not approved. Later, you will be able to click the the Approved link link in order to send the fax to its recipient(s).
  2. Click OK Click OK to upload the new fax. Click Cancel Click Cancel to return to the previous page without sending the message.


You can see the status of a a message in the the Sent Fax History table table. A fax can have several statuses, some of which may require that you take a certain action. All statuses are explained below.

Not approvedThe fax message has not been approved.
Pre-ApprovedThe Pre-Approved Fax mechanism, which is available only for faxes sent through UnifiedAPI requests, implies sending a fax message to a particular extension without adding its authorized source email address in VoipNow.
The Pre-Approved status no longer requires confirmation for a fax message; it is automatically sent in a matter of minutes.
ApprovedThe fax message is approved and can be sent by clicking the link.
Scheduled For SendingThe fax message is scheduled for sending and VoipNow tries to deliver it to the destination.
SentThe fax message was successfully sent to all recipients.
Partially SentThe fax message was sent only to some of the recipients. Click the link to finalize the operation.
Send FailedThe fax message was not sent due to an error. Click the link to send it again.
If a fax message's status is Partially sent or Send failed, you can reschedule it for sending by clicking either its status, either the Resend link available in the Sent on column.
CanceledThis fax message will no longer be sent to anyone. This status is displayed after clicking the Cancel link available in the Sent on column.
PurgedA fax message reaches this status after it is erased from the system. This happens when the fax message has been stored in the system longer then the number of days allowed.


The Approved column displays the fax message's approval status:

  • Yes:  The fax message is approved. All the fax messages added from the interface are already approved.
  • No:  The fax message has not been approved yet. It can be either preapproved, if the Status column displays Pre-Approved, or a regular unapproved email2fax message. You can click the No link to manually approve the fax. The Pre-Approved status applies only to fax messages sent through UnifiedAPI requests. 
  • --:  This sign is displayed when an unapproved fax message was removed from the system.


  1. If the fax message status is is Sent or  or Partially sent, then the date when it was sent is displayed.
  2. If the status is is Send failed, then two links are displayed:
    • Resend  - Click the link to retry to send the fax.
    • Cancel  - Click the link if you do not want to send the fax message anymore. The status is changed to to Canceled.
  3. If the fax message's status is different from the above values, then only the the Cancel link link is displayed.

Fax info

Click the Image Removed icon the Image Added icon to view all the attempts to send the message and their outcome.Image Removed
Screenshot: Fax Info Pop-up


The message displayed above the table shows the IP address from where the fax message sending was approved, for example

The following information is available for each attempt:

  • Attempt To:  The recipient's phone number. When there are two or more recipients, the phone number is replaced by All destinations.
  • Date: This This is the date when the system tried to send the fax.
  • Result:  This is the sending process outcome.



Search in faxes <extension_number> between <starting_date> and <ending_date>




Specify the number of the extension the fax message was sent to.



Specify the starting date of the time interval in which you want to search for particular messages. This date must be before or equal to the date the fax was added. The date format must be yyyy-mm-dd.



Specify the ending date of the time interval in which you want to search for particular messages. This date must be after or equal to the date the fax was added. The date format must be yyyy-mm-dd.











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