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Join Us at 4PSA Partner Meetup in Madrid on June 1-2, 2015

Meet. Discover. Grow. Network!

Spend the first two days of summer with us in Madrid! We'll meet face to face, discuss about the present and the future of the communication industry, learn more about successful communication services, and last but not least have a great time together and get to know each other better.

Learn all about Hubgets, VoipNow and VoipNow Mobile, get valuable tips & tricks from 4PSA experts, discover new usage & selling scenarios, and dive deep into the technical insights of our products!


  • Keep up-to-date with industry trends
  • Find out more about 4PSA's new products - Hubgets, VoipNow 3.5 and VoipNow Mobile
  • Learn valuable tips & tricks from 4PSA experts
  • Discover new usage & selling scenarios to grow your business
  • Gain technical insights into our products right from the source
  • Prepare to take the certification test and become a VoipNow Certified Engineer
  • Share your experience with fellow service providers
  • Have fun and network with peers
  • And we'd love to finally meet you face to face and chat, the offline way (smile)


Button Hyperlink
titleRegister now



Day 1 - June 1, 2015

14:00 - 14:20Welcome to our Meetup
14:20 - 15:30
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Short analysis on where the industry is heading and what we are doing to make 4PSA partners thrive
Bogdan Carstoiu, 4PSA CEO

15:30 - 17:00

How can a service provider deliver better value than Internet communication services targeted to end-users?

  • Is everything about apps?
  • Position your services to take advantage of the new communication and collaboration trends
  • API - a vital component of the Internet service
17:00 - 17:15Coffee break
17:15 - 18:30

Successful selling scenarios in Europe

  • Competition at the EU level - a huge opportunity

  • Zero roaming costs and the impact on the industry

  • How to sell on the privacy wave

19:30Cocktail Party

Day 2 - June 2, 2015




9:15 - 11:15

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11:30 - 12:30  


Partner showcase

How VoipNow contributed to a success story - services delivered by 4PSA partners


13:30 - 14:30


What's new in VoipNow 3.5?

  • How does the Big data, search and analytics engine improve the service
  • Perfect privacy. How to deliver enhanced privacy with the new VoipNow
  • WebRTC over SIP stack in VoipNow 3.5
  • STUN and ICE support for better NAT traversal
  • VoipNow OnDemand upgrades


14:30 - 16:00


Scaling your infrastructure

  • Scaling methods explained - horizontal, vertical
  • Why is virtualization so important
  • The biggest troublemakers in infrastructure scaling and how they affect businesses
  • How to maximize system uptime
  • When to start thinking about scaling your infrastructure - discussion about available toolset


16:15 - 17:15


Monitoring and debugging

  • Why monitoring is so important and how to do it right

  • Debugging on live infrastructures and how VoipNow Mobile can help you
  • Good security practice and security improvements in VoipNow 3.5


17:15 - 18:15


Working with VoipNow APIs

  • SystemAPI & UnifiedAPI introduction
  • New WebSocket supports in VoipNow 3.5 - enjoy live updates
  • Understanding Oauth 2.0 flows
  • WebRTC API demonstration



Register Now

The event will take place at the 

titleEurostars Madrid Tower Hotel
NameEurostars Madrid Tower Hotel
 in Madrid, Spain, on June 1-2, 2015. Registration is open until May 15, 2015. Limited seats are available, so hurry up and book yours today!

The attendance fee is 600EUR/participant. Attendees interested in obtaining the VoipNow Certified Engineer certification are eligible to take the test for free during the next two weeks after the event.

We are looking forward to meeting you there.




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