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This feature enables the user to leave a voice message if the called extension is unavailable and if it has the the Voicemail option option enabled. The The Voicemail Messages management management page allows you to:

  • view the extension's recorded voicemail messages

  • search for specific messages

  • listen and download message files on your computer

  • remove voicemail messages


VoipNow displays a list with all the voicemail messages recorded for the selected extension and, if the user is part of a group, for all the other users that chose to to share their resources either with  either with Everyone or  or only with the group(s) the current user is member of.

If you want to listen to your voicemail messages, you can use:

  • Your phone:  From your local phone, call call *95  . If you want to listen to your messages from a remote location, call your extension's public phone number and then dial * during the voicemail invitation message.
  • Your computer:  Select the voicemail message to save on your computer.  Use Use the download pop-up window to confirm if you want to save the file on your computer or just to open it.  VoipNow VoipNow names the message file using the standard format format msg<xxxx>.ext, where where <xxxx> is a number automatically assigned by VoipNow and and ext is is the sound file extension.  Save Save file to local computer. You can listen to the voicemail message using your favorite media player.



Show mailbox <owner> Search <CallerID>


  • <owner>:  Choose whose voicemail messages you want to have displayed:
    • Personal Personal -  By By default, only voicemails received by the current extension are displayed.
    • <extension_number>  -  Depending on how many extensions in the group(s) have enabled the voicemail Sharing Policy, you can choose from the list the <extension_number> whose messages you want to see.  This This option is available if the extension is part of a group where at least one extension has enabled the voicemail voicemail Sharing Policy.   Example:  Extension 1 is part of the Phone Terminals group. Extension 2 and Extension 3 are also members of this group.  The The two extensions have the appropriate policy enabled and they are sharing their voicemails with the Phone Terminals group.  ThereforeTherefore, Extension 1 is able to see the voicemails of Extension 2 and Extension 3.
    • All -  Displays personal messages as well as those of all the extensions in the group(s) that have enabled the voicemail Sharing Policy.
  • <CallerID>: Specify Specify the CallerID of the user that left the voicemail message you are looking for.


  1. Select the message from the table and click the the Remove selected link link on top of the table.
  2. To finalize it, select the the Confirm removal checkbox checkbox and click click OK.  To To return to the previous page without removing the fax message, click click Cancel.

NameRelated Topics

User's Resource Sharing

Phone Terminal Setup

Phone Terminal Voicemail


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