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The table below describes the fields that are specific to the PhoneCall resource and are not to be found in the PhoneCallView or PhoneCallLink.  

NameTypeCan be NULLDescription
idObject-IdNoThe Id of the PhoneCall as saved in the system. The Id is generated by the Service and can be later used to list or edit the PhoneCall details.
extensionUAPI-Extension-NumberNoThe number of the Extension that is charged for the phone call. This Extension might not be a party of the phone call.
ownerIdUser-IdNoThe Id of the Organization that owns the PhoneCall.
ownerNameStringNoThe name of the Organization that owns the PhoneCall.
publishedDateNoThe date the phone call entered the system.
answeredDateYesThe date the phone call was answered.


The table below describes the fields that are specific to the PhoneCallAction object.  


The type of action to perform. Possible values:

  • OnHold
  • OffHold
  • StartRecording
  • StopRecording
  • PickUp
  • BargeIn
  • Park
  • UnPark
  • Whisper
  • Transfer
  • TransferToVoicemail
sendCallToSome actions need a phone number to send the call to. This field should contain the number.
callerId UAPI-Caller-Id When a call is barged in or is whispered on, a caller Id can be sent to the Service.
waitForPickUpNumberThe maximum number of seconds to wait until one of the phone numbers used picks up.
As soon as the set time value runs out, the call is canceled.
Default: 25 seconds.
phoneCallViewIdStringThe Id of PhoneCallView that is subject to the change.
formatStringUsed only when recording a phone call and must be set to the format of the recorded file.


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