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The Callback extension comes with supplementary features that allow you to manage authorized CallerIDs and the credit associated to them.

Table of Contents


Using this feature you can authorize the users that should benefit from the callback Callback function.

The Authorized CallerIDs Management page allows you to:


  • S: Click the icon to change the CallerID's status: for enabled for disabled
  • C: Click the icon to view a report about the costs of all the calls placed by all the authorized CallerIDs defined for the current Callback extension.
  • Callback Number: The CallerID that is authorized to use the callback function. Click the link to modify the number or to change the associated PIN code.
  • PIN: Displays Yes/No depending if the user will be asked to introduce his PIN code before being able to use the callback function or not.
  • Total Credit: Displays the user's total initial credit.
  • Available Credit: Displays the credit left for using the callback function.
  • Created: Displays the date and time the phone number was introduced to the authorized CallerID's list.
  • B: Click the icon to manage the CallerID credit.


You can export the Authorized CallerIDs List to one of the two available file formats:


Click OK to add the new credit or Cancel to return to the previous page without adding anything.






authorized CallerID



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