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This page contains answers to questions that are frequently asked by 4PSA's clients.

Table of Contents


UI Expand
titleHow do I buy a license?

Please visit our online store and place an order.

UI Expand
titleI just realized I bought the wrong license. What do I do now?

Please contact and we can exchange your license.

UI Expand
titleWhat does whitebox mean?

The whitebox licensing option lets you remove the vendor copyright notices from the web management interface. Ask your account manager for information on how you can do that.


UI Expand
titleWhat is VoipNow?

VoipNow is our leading Unified Communications software platform that provides advanced VoIP/hosted PBX services, video calling, instant messaging, fax, and presence. More featureshere.

UI Expand
titleIs VoipNow free?

VoipNow is free only during the evaluation process and is limited to 10 phone terminal extensions. This means that you will not be able to set up cial extensions like queue, IVR or callback. Also, during evaluation, VoipNow only works on one server. VoipNow 3 does not have any limitation on the extension number or extension type and it can be used in a distributed environment. More details here.

UI Expand
titleWhat is the difference between VoipNow Service Provider Edition and VoipNow Cloud OnDemand?

VoipNow Cloud OnDemand is VoipNow delivered as a service (Saas). It is hosted in 4PSA's Cloud in US, Europe (East or West) and APAC (Singapore). While VoipNow requires installation on the customer's own infrastructure, Cloud OnDemand is instantly available from 4PSA's infrastructure.

UI Expand
titleHow can I make calls to the public telephone network?

By getting 4PSA Cloud Telephony ( or an account and DID numbers from a provider, and then setting up a SIP channel in VoipNow's interface.

UI Expand
titleCan I integrate VoipNow Service Provider Edition with a third party application?

Yes. You can do that with the help of the available APIs.

UI Expand
titleCan you provide more info on the APIs?

More info on APIs as well as code examples are available on our wiki at:

UI Expand
titleWhat are Extender Addons?

An extender add-on is an added functionality which allows the service provider to use VoipNow for scenarios not directly related to Unified Communications such as SIP trunking, offering calling cards or callback numbers.

UI Expand
titleWhat is a SIP trunking Extender Addon?

When enabled on an extension, it allows you to connect a PBX to that extension (when a DID assigned on that extension is called, the call is passed further to the PBX).

UI Expand
titleWhat is Callback?

System users can call this extension from a phone connected to the public telephone network, to connect to have their call routed through the VoipNow server.

UI Expand
titleHow does VoipNow 3 and the Automation module billing/charging work?

VoipNow 3 handles call charging and allows you to set complex prepaid or postpaid charging plans, and configure fees based on your requirements. For example, you can set an initial credit available for calls (incoming or outgoing), you can set fixed prices or prices relative to your call cost and charge outgoing calls based on the selected time interval. All of this can be set from VoipNow's interface, in the System section -> Charging Plans.

The Automation module in VoipNow handles invoicing, online store setup, customer management, order management and order provisioning. The invoices issued by Automation include service charges (for a predefined period - which can be set to monthly) as well as the consumption from VoipNow for the said period. For new customers, invoices can also include a setup fee, if needed.

UI Expand
titleWhat kind of license should I choose?

You can choose Startup or Volume licensing, depending on the number of extensions you require. More details are available here:

UI Expand
titleWhat's the difference between Startup and Volume Licensing?

Startup Licensing comes in packs of 10 and 100 extensions. It was designed for smaller deployments (ex: on virtual machines) and it can only be used on one server. Volume Licensing is pay only for resources used licensing type and it is recommended for larger deployments, when over 100 extensions are needed. With Volume licensing, VoipNow can also be installed in a distributed environment with system functionality and load distributed across multiple computing nodes.

UI Expand
titleWhat are the minimum requirements for VoipNow Platform?

Here are the minimum system requirements for single server installation. Please note that hardware requirements are strongly related to the expected load and number of concurrent calls.

  • Intel x86 compatible PC 2.0 Ghz (64 bit highly recommended)
  • 2 GB of RAM
  • 36 GB RAID storage system in RAID fault tolerant setup
  • 100 MB/s network card
UI Expand
titleCan I upgrade my VoipNow Service Provider Edition license when I need more extensions?

Yes, you can do that by logging in to the Business Zone, using your account: There you will be able to see what upgrade options you have, depending on the license type.

UI Expand
titleDoes VoipNow work with softphones?

Yes. It works with an extensive number of third party PC softphones.

UI Expand
titleWhich softphones do you recommend?

Currently we can recommend x-Lite (free), SJphone(free), 3CX Phone, Jitsi(free), Kapanga, Zoiper (free);

We have a knowledge base article on how to configure x-Lite, found here.

UI Expand
titleWhich apps for smartphones, softphones and IM clients are compatible with VoipNow?

While VoipNow will work with just about any PC softphone, SIP client for mobile or XMPP chat client, here is a short list of our most commonly used third-party apps:

PC softphones: X-Lite, EyeBeam, Bria, Express Talk, Zoiper

Apple iOS: Bria, 3CXPhone, iSPhone (free);

Android: SipDroid, CSIPSimple, Linphone (all free);

IM clients: Psi, Pidgin.

There is also an app called Jitsi which can serve both as a softphone and as a XMPP chat client.

Several tutorials on how to use some of these mobile SIP clients with VoipNow are available on our blog:

For Bria on iPhone

For Linphone on Android

For SipDroid on Android

UI Expand
title How can I upgrade VoipNow Professional?

If you are currently using a Cloud license, you can easily upgrade to VoipNow 3. If you are using an older type of license or a business license, please contact before upgrading.

UI Expand
titleWhat happened to VoipNow Professional?

VoipNow Professional has been replaced by VoipNow 3 (for highly demanding SP environments) and as a consequence, it has become EOL. The announcement is available here:

UI Expand
titleI don't want to upgrade to VoipNow. Can I continue to use my VoipNow Professional License?

You can continue to use your current license, exactly as it is. Please note that 4PSA will continue to provide support for this product until the Estimated End of Support date, 31 December 2013. After that date, support and updates will no longer be available.


VoipNow Cloud OnDemand

UI Expand
titleWhat is VoipNow Cloud OnDemand?

VoipNow Cloud OnDemand is our Unified Communication software VoipNow hosted in our Cloud and delivered as SaaS (software as a service).

UI Expand
titleWhere are your Cloud OnDemand servers located?

Our Cloud OnDemand instances are available in Softlayer's datacenters in the following locations: US (Washington D.C.), West Europe ( Amsterdam) and APAC (Singapore) and in East Europe in 4PSA's datacenter (Romania).

UI Expand
titleCan I choose the location?


UI Expand
titleDo I need a server for this?

No. Your Cloud OnDemand instance is hosted in our Cloud. All you need to get started is an Internet connection and at least one SIP account with a SIP Provider. 

UI Expand
titleHow many extensions do I get for the monthly price?

You get 100 extensions of any type.

UI Expand
titleWhat happens when I need more than 100 extensions?

You can add more extensions and the system will auto-scale its resources. Each new extension added over the 100 that are already included will be charged with a predefined amount, based on your licensing level.

(Example: If you have Volume licensing (without whitebox) and there are 145 extensions deployed on the system, the invoice amount will be 159 + 2.10 * 45 = 253.5 EUR. In this example, less than 100 SIP trunking channels, callback numbers, and calling cards are configured on the system.)

UI Expand
titleWhat availability do you offer for Cloud OnDemand?

Our SLA guarantees 99.95% availability for your private Cloud OnDemand instance.

Cloud SIP Trunking

UI Expand
titleWhat is Cloud SIP Trunking?

A telephony service with best rates for domestic and international calls, unlimited concurrent calls and superior voice quality.

UI Expand
titleWhat communication systems/PBXs does Cloud SIP Trunking work with?

It can be used with any communication system implementing a VoIP SIP interface, including VoipNow.

UI Expand
titleWhat package should I choose?

We currently offer three packages. Starter is mainly recommended for testing. Business is recommended for small and medium companies whereas Service Providers should select the Service Provider package. More details are available here:

UI Expand
titleWhat do I get for that monthly fee?

The credit you pay for and additional free credit every month, unlimited concurrent calls and free incoming calls.

Inbound calls are free, except on toll-free numbers.

UI Expand
titleHow will my calls be billed?

All calls are charged per minute and the cost will be substracted from the account credit. You can find a list of rates to all destinations here:

UI Expand
titleDo I get any phone numbers in that price?

No. Phone numbers are optional and bought separately. They can be added when it is necessary to receive inbound calls.

UI Expand
titleIn what countries do you offer local phone numbers?

We currently offer phone numbers in over 30 countries. You can find a list of the countries as well as the associated price per number on our website:

UI Expand
titleDo you provide emergency service for your phone numbers?

Not at the moment.

UI Expand
titleCan I get test phone numbers during the evaluation?

Due to legal reasons public phone numbers cannot be attached to an evaluation.

If the customer continues to express his want to test phone numbers as well, we can recommend the Starter subscription package, due to its low cost. There is a template for this in Comm Template E-mail


UI Expand
titleHow can I request an evaluation?

For VoipNow Platform please make a request by filling out the form found here:
For VoipNow Cloud OnDemand please make a request by filling out the form found here:

UI Expand
titleWhat if I have issues during the 30-days evaluation?

You can contact your assigned Account Manager for help. You also have support included for the entire testing period. For any technical problem related to 4PSA products, please open a support ticket in our support zone.

UI Expand
titleI already received an evaluation license but I didn't have time to test. Can I get another?

We can extend the evaluation license.

UI Expand
titleI'm evaluating VoipNow and I decided I want to buy it. What do I do next?

If you are satisfied with your current licensing level, you won't need to do anything. Simply wait for the evaluation to end and our system will automatically turn it into a paid license. Otherwise, please order the appropriate license from our store and upload the new license key in the web interface. Also make sure to cancel your evaluation, if it's still active (you can request that we cancel it for you, by contacting your account manager or

UI Expand
titleIf I decide to buy a license when the evaluation period is over, do I have to set everything up again?

No, everything on the system will remain as is. You will only need to upload a new license key.


UI Expand
titleIs support included in the purchase price?

Every 4PSA license comes with bundled support. We also offer support for evaluation licenses.

UI Expand
titleHow many support tickets/hours do I get?

This depends on what support level you have: SUS, Cloud or Expert level.

SUS Support is included with the following license types:

  • perpetual - 10 incidents/year
  • legacy - 1 incident/year
  • First 10 extensions license - 1 incident/year
  • Basic Cloud license - 2 incidents/month

Cloud Support is included with the following license types:

  • Full Cloud licensing - 3 incidents/montj
  • VoipNow and DNS Manager Cloud Instance - 3 incidents/month

Expert Support is purchased separately as a monthly subscription or for a per hour fee.

UI Expand
titleWhat does SUS, Cloud or Expert support level stand for?

For SUS and Cloud levels: For this level of support we do not provide support over the phone, one has to open a ticket in their Support Zone account at
For Expert level: one can call the Support number they have received in their welcome email and enter their PIN number there.

UI Expand
titleMy Expert Support phone code is not valid. What do I do?

If you got the error message letting you know that the subscription code is not valid, then you are using the support subscription code instead of the expert support access code.
Find the latter by logging into your Business Zone account, scrolling down to support services and locating your Expert Support Service. There, you will find a phone access code that you can use to call us.

UI Expand
titleHow can I open a support ticket?

Please go to Use your support credentials to log in to your account, then submit a ticket.

UI Expand
titleWhere can I download product ***?

Please log in your Support Zone account and click the Download link.

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