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  • Select file – Enter the name of the file that contains the DNS Zone names or click the Browse… button to locate the desired file.


    The uploaded file MUST be in dump format (identical to the file generated by backing up DNS zones in DNS Manager). For more information on the dump file format, please read the Supported Dump File examples appendix.


    A slave zone will acquire it's zone data only after receiving the notification from the respective master zone, or after it is manually reloaded on the server. DNS Manager does not reload slave zones due to the extra overhead involved on busy
    environments, therefore is recommended to setup notifications on master zones.

  • Allow DNS Zone transfer – When this option is enabled, allowed slave servers will be able to retrieve the Zone information from the master server (in this case the DNS Manager system).
  • Add the following allow transfer IP or IP/Mask to master zones - The IP addresses specified in this field will be recorded in the allow transfer clauses of the named.conf file for MASTER DNS zones.
  • Add the following master IP - The IP addresses specified in this field will be recorded in the masters clauses of the named.conf file for SLAVE DNS zones.




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