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This method allows getting a list of calls from the call history of a system in particular contexts such as User, Organization or global.

Request/Response model


Use this service to retrieve a list of phone calls that occurred in the system.

If successful, the Service returns a collection of PhoneCall resources and the PhoneCallStat associated.

The request is made by an App that is registered to a User account.

To list the CDR in a desired context, issue a HTTP GET request:

HTTP-Method       = "GET"
URI-Fragment      = "/uapi/cdr/" User-Id
Query-Parameters  = Get-CDR-Request-Parameters
Request-Payload   = null

Return-Object     = Collection<PhoneCallRecord>
GET /uapi/cdr/33 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer token
Content Type: application/json


A request to list the Phone Calls must support the Standard-Request-Parameters:

Restriction to Standard Request Parameters

NameType Description

The page size of a collection.
Maximum possible value is 5000.
Default: 20 entries



Records can be filtered only by source, destination, published and answered.

filterValueStringThe value to filter by.
startIndexNumberThe start index of the paged collection.
Maximum possible value is 5000.
Default: 0 

Custom Request Parameters

The following parameters can also be used:

NameType Description
sourceUAPI-Extension-NumberThe number that made the call. Can be an extended extension number or a public phone number.
destinationUAPI-Extension-NumberThe number that received the call. Can be an extended extension number or a public phone number.
startDateDateDate when the call was answered.
endDateDateDate when the call ended.

Flow of the call:
2 - a local call
4 - an outgoing public call
8 - an incoming public call

dispositionNumberThe call disposition:
0 - ANSWERED - to fetch calls that were answered;
1 - BUSY - to get the calls that were answered with a busy tone
2 - FAILED - to fetch the calls that have failed
3 - NO ANSWER - to fetch the calls that had no answer
4 - UNKNOWN - to fetch the unknown calls
5 - NOT ALLOWED - to fetch the calls that were not allowed.
fieldsArray<String>An array of PhoneCallStat field names. For standard values, please see the PhoneCallStat resource.



If successful, returns a collection of PhoneCall resources, the PhoneCallStat associated, and the following HTTP statuses:

HTTP CodeDescription
200The list of phone calls is returned.
204There are no phone calls to be returned.


When it fails, the request returns the following error codes:

HTTP CodeCodeDescription

Value supplied in fields parameter is missing or invalid. The parameter must be set to a value of consisting of the name of the possible PhoneCall fields separated by a comma (e.g. extension, id, answered).

400count_invalidValue supplied in count parameter is missing or invalid. The parameter must be set to a numeric value lower than 5000.

Value supplied in filterBy parameter is missing or invalid. The parameter must be set to the name of a field used by CRD.

400filterop_invalidValue supplied in filterOp parameter is missing or invalid. The parameter must be set to one of the values: contains, equals, startsWith or present.
400filtervalue_invalidValue supplied in filterValue parameter is missing or invalid. The parameter must be set to a string value.
400sortorder_invalidValue supplied in sortOrder parameter is missing or invalid. The parameter must be set to one of the values: ascending or descending.
400startindex_invalidValue supplied in startIndex parameter is missing or invalid. The parameter must be set to a numeric value, higher or equal with 0 and lower than 5000.


Below you can find an example that will help you understand the request and the response.

This example lists the phone calls that were assigned to the User with Id 33. The request is made by an App on behalf of the Administrator.

HTTP Request
GET /uapi/cdr/?ownerId=33 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer token
Content Type: application/json

Assuming the request has been successful, the Service returns the following answer:

HTTP Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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