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This page contains instructions on how to add card codes.


To be able to use the Calling Card extension, you need to add at least one card code.

To add a card code, click the Add Card Codes icon available in the Tools section. At the top of the Add Card Code page, VoipNow displays a message informing you about the maximum number of calling card codes you are allowed to use, the number of existing codes and how many card codes can still be added from this page.

You can choose whether you want to upload a file with the desired calling card codes or you want to manually specify them. Depending on your choice, use the controls grouped into one of the fieldsets below.

Upload card codes from file

  • Upload card codes from file: Select this check box in case you want to upload a file containing data about multiple card codes. If selected, you will not be able to use the controls available in the Add Card Code fieldset.
  • Card codes file: When the Upload card codes from file option is enabled, you can use the button to locate the file containing the card codes you want to upload. The uploaded code will be displayed in the following pattern: card code, PIN, order number, initial credit. The credit parameter can take numeric values or the u, unlimited value.
  • Field separator: Specify the field separator character. The default value is ','.

Add card code

  • Code <value>: Specify the card code that the user will be requested to provide when connecting to the system using this extension. If the Send public CallerID on internal calls option is enabled from the caller's phone terminal configuration page and you wish the authentication to be made based on the CallerID, then fill in here the user's CallerID that will be associated with this card code. When the user will make a call using his phone terminal extension, VoipNow will not ask him for the code, but will continue the call and take him to the next step (PIN request or further, deepening if PIN is required or not). His CallerID will be used for the call and will be displayed on the called party's screen.

    A user has the Send public CallerID on internal calls option enabled and his CallerID is 08057. If the new card code is using the same CallerID, 08057, then when the user will call this Calling card extension from his phone terminal, he will not be required to provide the CallerID, but directly the PIN code (if required) or the number he wishes to call.

  • PIN number: Specify the PIN code associated with the extension. VoipNow will request the user to provide this number, if set, when trying to connect to the system using this extension.
  • Order number: Specify the identification number of the credit allocation request.
  • Add an initial credit of <currency>: Specify the amount of money offered to the extension to be used with the calling card. Select the Unlimited checkbox if you do not want to limit the amount.

For more information on how to edit these fields, see the Add a Card Code section.

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