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The The Charging Plans feature feature is available only if if charging is is enabled on on the VoipNow system.

To reach the the Charging Management page page,  go to side side menu and click on on Charging Plans. The page lists all plans and you can:

  • view the charging plans currently set up in the system
  • create a new charging plan
  • view the fees and limitations associated to a particular charging plan
  • manage the charging destination exceptions
  • search for certain charging plans
  • edit one of the existing charging plan's details
  • remove unused charging plans

Assign charging plan plan

Once an account has been been created, you can assign a charging plan to it following following these details.

Enable or disable charging plan

Only the charging plans that are not currently in use can be disabled!

 All plans are listed in the the Charging Plans table table. You can enable or disable a charging plan with a simple click on the the S  (Status) icon, which shows its status: for enabled enabled for disabled

Once a charging plan has been disabled, it can no longer be assigned to a user.

Edit a charging plan

In the the Charging Management page page, select the charging plan you want to modify, click its name and make the necessary changes in the fields as detailed here.

Remove a charging plan

To remove a charging plan:

  1. Select its corresponding checkbox.
  2. Click the the Remove selected link link at the right of the table.
  3. Select the the Confirm removal checkbox checkbox and click click OK.  Click Cancel Click Cancel if you want to return to the previous page without deleting these records.  The The removal operation is permanent and once it is complete the charging plan cannot be restored.


You can search the Charging Plans table by name.

  1. Enter the name of the charging plan in the text box at the top of the table.
  2. Click the the Search  buttonbutton.  The The system will remember the criteria when a new search is performed and even after the user logs out.

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