The Callback extension comes with supplementary features that allow you to manage authorized CallerIDs and the credit associated to them.


The Callback extension type allows system users to place calls using the VoipNow system even if their phone is only connected to the public network.

To do this, the user calls the Callback extension and waits to be called back. After being called back, he will be able to dial any number using the VoipNow system.

It is recommended to restrict this functionality in order to avoid abuse by creating a list of authorized CallerIDs. The users will be allowed to route phone calls through the server only if they call from one of those authorized phone numbers.

Authorized CallerIDs

In case the maximum number of authorized CallerIDs supported by your license was reached, then you are not able to add others and the Authorized CallerIDs icon is disabled.

Only the active authorized CallerIDs are counted.

Using this feature you can authorize the users that should benefit from the callback function.

The Authorized CallerIDs Management page allows you to:

Authorized CallerIDs table

VoipNow displays the following information about the authorized CallerIDs:


You can export the Authorized CallerIDs List to one of the two available file formats:

Export to Excel
Export to CSV

Manage credit associated to authorized CallerID

The Credit Management for CallerID <callerid> page allows you to:

Recharge history table

VoipNow displays the following credit information:

Add credit to authorized CallerID

To add credit to the selected authorized CallerID, fill in the required details:

If the initial credit is Unlimited, then filling in a negative amount (e.g. -10) in the Add credit field will limit the CallerID. For our example, the Credit Added will be -10 and the Credit Left will be decreased from Unlimited to 0. In this case, one will not be able to use this CallerID for callback calls.

The <currency> is the server default currency, defined in the Unified Communications → Settings  Zero Priority → Charging preferences page.

Click OK to add the new credit or Cancel to return to the previous page without adding anything.

Add Authorized CallerID
